Letter from the CEO and Chair: COVID-19

Dear Members, Partners, Colleagues and Friends, 

We are certainly in challenging times, but we as your Business Council are committed to being a resource and advocate for your business. The Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance- Business Council is working closely with local government, business and community partners to support our local workforce and businesses. With the recent reports of COVID-19 cases throughout the Greater Williamsburg area, it is imperative that the business community utilize strategies to be as prepared as possible to protect the health of our workforce and provide resources for business recovery.  In an effort to assist with your efforts, we will keep you updated regularly with email blasts to you, our membership. 

Our website is current and will be a resource to assist you. It will include federal, state and local resources, information from local partners, important news updates and information on Business Council events and programs.

As of today, March 20th, in keeping with the CDC recommendation to promote social distancing and in view of the Governor's declaration of a state of emergency, the Business Council will cancel all in-person events until further notice and the staff will be teleworking until April 1st at which time the situation will be re-evaluated.

Please reach out to the Business Council team, we are here to serve and support you.   Our mission to Advocate, Collaborate and Create an environment in which businesses can grow and exceed does not stop during times of struggle and unforeseen challenges.  We will magnify the mission to support you. Contact the team by email or telephone.   Meetings will continue using the zoom platform.  Your staff liaison and committee chairs will reach out to you with additional information.

Thank you,

Ron Campana, Chair

Terry Banez, CEO