The partnership

Apply for a partnership ribbon cutting through the GWCC & NAACP


If you're reading this, you must be celebrating the opening of a new business or the expansion of an existing business in the City of Williamsburg, James City County, or York County! We are excited for your success and appreciate the opportunity to help you mark this momentous occasion.


By hosting a ribbon cutting, you can:

  • Introduce your business to the public and to Chamber members;

  • Familiarize the public and Chamber members with your product or service;

  • Familiarize the public and Chamber members with your location;

  • Begin a customer base;

  • Generate possible leads and sales from attendees and publicity.

What We’ll Do

The Chamber staff will gladly:

  • Invite Chamber members;

  • List your ribbon cutting on the Chamber Calendar on our website;

  • Bring the official ribbon and scissors;

  • Arrive onsite early to set up;

  • Welcome attendees and your business.

Please Note: Ribbon cuttings must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance, unless approved by Chamber staff. Kindly contact Lauren Moore, Vice President of Communications & Programming, if you have any questions.


What You Can Do

You can have a unique ribbon cutting:

  • Inviting your staff and board of directors;

  • Conducting your own PR campaign;

  • Offer appetizers and beverages;

  • Offer samples of your product or service;

  • Play music, live or on the radio;

  • Host an on-site remote radio broadcast;

  • Involve business mascots;

  • Draw for door prizes or other giveaways;

  • Decorate with balloons, banners, etc.