ASPIRE Young Professionals Launches New Mentorship Program

Williamsburg, VA—ASPIRE Young Professionals is launching a new Mentorship Program to begin January 2021. The goal of the Program is to help young professional Business Council members develop and reach their career potential through mentoring. Mentors are Board Members of the Business Council who are respected leaders from a variety of businesses and industries.

“I am a product of great mentoring,” says Business Council CEO, Terry Banez. “Mentors have been an important part of my professional career, and I am proud to launch this new mentorship program for young professionals in the Greater Williamsburg area.”

The Mentorship Program will establish a confidential and trusting relationship between the mentor and mentee; provide the mentee with the information and insights necessary to enable him/her to be successful in their chosen career; and provide an opportunity for the mentor to support, coach, and guide a young professional in his/her leadership development. Mentors and mentees will meet face-to-face on a regular basis, usually once a month, assuming it is safe to meet in-person.

Amber Saloka, Chair of the ASPIRE Committee added, “I am thrilled that we already have numerous leaders in our community that have raised their hand to participate in the program as mentors and cannot wait to see the partnerships and relationships that form with future mentees as a result.”

The matching process will take place October through December of 2020. To help facilitate this process, ASPIRE will be hosting Exec Connect Lunches where mentees can interact with potential mentors. The first Exec Connect Lunch will be on September 9th at 12 PM, hosted by Carolyn Keurajian, Business Council Board Member and Executive Director of the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra. For more details on event registration, check out the Business Council Calendar online. If you would like more details on becoming a mentee, please contact Amanda Terrell, Business Council Staff Liaison for the ASPIRE Committee.