Letter from the CEO: With Great Hope for Change

Good Afternoon Members, Colleagues, and Friends,

The Business Council’s mission is to advocate, collaborate, and create an environment in which business can grow and succeed. This is a strong statement and one that we hold steadfast. We focus on making our community where all businesses and people regardless of color not only grow and prosper but thrive.

Racism and inequality of opportunity cannot be tolerated. Discrimination and acts of hate are not okay. We will advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in the Greater Williamsburg region.

We are community leaders, conveners, business owners and trusted voices in the Greater Williamsburg area, regionally, across the country and around the world. We need to use that power to listen and use our power to help. Convening many stakeholders and bringing disparate voices to the table for meaningful regional conversations are critical. We have a voice we can use, but we also need to listen first. Listening builds mutual understanding, respect, and there is not enough of that right now.

I am proud of our community and our leaders, and I have hope that this is a pivotal point in our history to create change. Thank you for all you are doing for our community let us build a path to a better future together.

The Greater Williamsburg Business Council is here and committed to being a part of the solution.

With great hope for change,

Terry Banez, CEO